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NSW Net Zero Next Gen Assembly

Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions: Why and How

Date: MONDAY, 18 November 2024

An event co-organised by University of Sydney (USyd) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW)


  • To bring together the early career researchers (ECRs) and higher degree research (HDR) students dedicated to decarbonisation research and technologies across NSW

  • To create a platform for discussing the technical challenges and the latest research outcomes

  • To foster collaboration and cooperation between the initiatives of government, universities, and institutes at all levels

  • To build community consensus on the solutions to emission reduction

  • To establish talent pipelines for stakeholders

Co - Chairs

Dr Emma Lovell.jpg

Dr Emma Lovell 

Senior Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow

School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

Jing Jing You.tiff

Dr Jingjing You

Senior Lecturer and Sydney Horizon Fellow

School of Medical Science and Save Sight Institute

Program Overview

This event will include a research showcase, a panel event and a networking function. The event invite PhD students and Early Career Researchers (within 10 years after PhD, accounting for career disruption) to submit EOI and abstract to be considered for oral presentations or poster presentations*. 

The NetZeroNextGen Committee seeks submission that include but not limited to hydrogen production (direct and carrier), hydrogen utilisation, carbon capture, carbon removal, demand reduction, electrification, clean energy harvesting, emissions and health.


Three poster prizes will be awarded for the following category:

  • Best poster prize for fundamental research and development on decarbonisation technologies or system leading to net zero target - sponsored by School of Chemical Engineering UNSW

  • Best poster prize for applied and translation research on technologies or systems to enable the development of a sustainable and equitable energy transition - sponsored by GlobH2E 

  • People's choice prize

Interested to participate ?

Please submit  your abstract and EOI by the deadline.  The committee will review and notify acceptance of your abstract for either oral or poster presentation. 

*Printing of poster for accepted abstracts will be sponsored by the University of Sydney Net Zero Institute. See the EOI and Abstract submission portal for abstract and poster guidelines.

Tentative program at a glance

NetZeroNextGen program1.png

Note that program maybe updated from time to time, please check for FINAL program closer to the event date.

Symposium Host:

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